Royalty Management App
Since its first version in 2008 (IDB) and its complete rewrite in 2016 (LaBase Royalties), our Royalty Management app aims at simplifying Royalty Reports processes.
The main goal of LaBase Royalties is to generate Royalty Reports in a simple, error-free way, according to IP law and business standards. Our app will enable you to:
- enter once (and only once) authors, works, articles (paper and digital), including, when possible, imports of your previous data
- enter once (and only once) contracts: primary and subsidiary royalties, advances, payments, provisions, etc. Archive pdfs of your signed contracts. Output Remittance Notices with automated calculations of taxes.
- enter with a few clicks your invoices (direct sales, royalty deals, etc.)
- Import Sales in one click with files from your Distributor
- Generate clear, error-free and complete Royalty Reports, according to Industry Standards
- The App is fully customizable to local standards and practices
- Other functions: Production Management, Tax Records Letters for Authors, Tax Declarations
LaBase Royalties is a Web App, which you can access from any computer (Windows, Mac, Linux) with a recent web browser. The app is available 24/7, wherever you are, and is fully secure. Your data is kept confidential and is backed up continuously.
Contact us for a demo or a free test.
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